Content Warnings

Some of the artworks in It All Comes Down contain images, video or audio that viewers may find emotionally challenging or disturbing. All content warnings are listed below:

Anorexia, death, eating disorders, flash imagery, harassment, loud music, misogynistic language, nudity, online grooming, racism, references to white supremacy.

The works that require content warnings are detailed here, along with an outline of what they contain.

Sam Ahern: Sam’s work explores autism-friendly spaces and the recent COVID-19 crisis through the mediums of illustration, photography and audio recordings. Her work contains references to harassment, eating disorders and death.

Becca Lynes: Becca’s film piece, Becca Becomes A Real Girl; Chapter 1: True Love’s Kiss, is a 3-minute race through a childhood as a girl in the noughties. The film includes references to online grooming of a minor and misogynistic language.

Defne Ozdenoren: Defne’s photographs and recorded conversations in It Took Me Many Years To Arrive At Such A Life centre around friendship and emotional healing. Her work includes mention of anorexia and eating disorders.

Vangelis Trichias: Vangelis’s infotainment film, Bareuropean explores the manipulation of information and the subjectivity inherent in presenting an allegedly objective piece of information. In doing so, it contains nudity, loud music, some flash imagery and references to white supremacy and racism.

Arabella Turner: Arabella’s music video, fitterhappier, holds up a mirror to our relationships with our personal technological devices. It contains some flashing imagery and loud music.